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How to sign up for Sage Cloud Accounting

how to sign up for sage accounting

You can sign up for Sage Cloud Accounting without providing your credit card details. This makes the 30-day free trial period of trying Sage Cloud Accounting a stress-free uncomplicated experience. In this Sage tutorial, I am going to guide you on how to Sign up for Sage Accounting. This tutorial is intended for people who reside in Africa-Middle East and who have Sage available in their country.

Many of us experienced the dreaded feeling of wanting to sign up for a so-called “free” product only to find out that you are automatically billed after a specified period if you do not take action and actually cancel the subscription.

Sage does not ask for your credit card details when signing up. They recognized this unpleasant, fake method of baiting people to sign up for services and products. Only to experience the hassle afterward of canceling your subscription, if you remember to do it at all.

Follow our YouTube video below

You can also follow these written steps to sign up

  1. From our website: click on the top navigation bar –>Accounting, then click on the submenu bar –>Sage Cloud Accounting.
    Scroll down to the button –>Sign up for cloud accounting and click on it


    From our website hover over the –>Sign up button at the top right area of the navigation bar scroll down and click on –>Sage Accounting for Africa & Middle East
  2. This will take you to the Sign up page where you will fill in your details
    1. Company Name.
    2. Product Type – select “Accounting”.
    3. First Name.
    4. Last Name.
    5. Mobile Number – have your cellphone available as you will need this later to receive the verfication pin.
    6. Email address – Only email address allowed per subscription. You will not be able to use this email address to sing up for a different company.
    7. Password – The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain
      – 1 lower case letter
      – 1 upper case letter
      – 1 number
      – and 1 special character e.g: !@#$%&*
    8. Confirm the password by typing it again.
    9. Enter the Once Off Access Code display in the field above.
    10. Make a selection of what you currently use from the list provided.
    11. Make a selection of the number of years that you are in business from the list provided.
    12. Please leave our referral code as this is our affiliatae link for identifying and be able to follow up and assisting people who have signed up to Sage following our tutorials and information about how to achieve business success.
      If the referral code does not display please enter our partner code which is R571216.
    13. Accept the terms & conditions after you are satisfied with them.
    14. Click the newsletter icon block if you would like to receive newsletters from Sage. I encourage everyone to subscribe to the Sage newsletters. Sage share valuable information on a regular bases about all aspects of business. This can only assist you if you can find time to read it.
    15. Click on –>Sign up.
  3. You should receive an OTP Pin send to your cellphone number as completed in step 5. Fill this in on the block provided and click on –>Verify OTP.
  4. If you have followed all the steps correctly, you will receive a message that your OTP verified sucessfully, that your account has been set up and you can log in now. click on –>Login.
  5. You can immediately Login on the next screen by using the same email address and password that you used to create your Sage account.

Your business success continues.

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Picture of Louis Munro

Louis Munro

Louis is the founder of The Fun Accountant. He is a Chartered Accountant and holds two post graduate degrees in Accounting and Business Economics.

Louis qualified in 2003 and works with a selected clients on accounting projects and advisory services.

He specialises in cloud accounting, paperless businesses to reduce administrative tasks and increase efficiency. Louis creates solutions for people and share his experience and knowledge from accounting, entrepreneurship, internet marketing and mindset aspects humans have to deal with on a daily basis.

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