Khanyisela College is a leading business in the Education, Training and Development industry, in the Eastern Cape South Africa. The College is celebrating its 11-year anniversary in the month of June 2018. The College does much more than just training people as it is known for its excellent service and attention to personal and organisational development.
Khanyisela College was earlier this year announced as a winner of the coveted Diamond Arrow Award for the second year running, under the leadership of its influential owner and managing director Mrs. Tanya Kisten. The College was ranked above many other competitors regionally for enhancing growth in the Eastern Cape, great managerial expertise, corporate governance, brand awareness and levels of innovation excelling.
The College is registered with the Department of Education as an FET college, and fully accredited with the Services SETA for several full qualifications.
My business relationship with Khanyisela College started in June 2012 when I was approached by Tanya Kisten to assist with record keeping challenges the College faced. The College although very successful was facing challenges in its finance department. Tanya as CEO was responsible for many aspects of the business, ranging from sales, human resources, finances to manage the premises. This overwhelming experienced by a leader is not new for me as all growing businesses and its leader will face in its business cycle. How the leader responds to this challenge will determine the future of the business. From the results obtained by the College, it is evident that Tanya responded in the correct manner.
My approach as accountant and business consultant is to address the origin of the problem and not only to fix the symptoms. When the business leader I work with is motivated, to establish a well managed sustainable business, excellent results are being achieved. Tanya had the right mind frame, optimism and drive to fix the challenges in her finance department once-and-for-all and we developed a plan together that would set up the College’s finance department for the future and increase the College’s ability to achieve its goals.
We developed a 13-point plan to achieve education success and implemented the plan with the central integrated tools: sage business cloud accounting.
My accounting firm is still involved with the College when we provide advanced sage support to the College’s users. On an annual basis, I chair the shareholder’s meeting of Khanyisela College. During this meeting, sage is being used as reference point to answer questions where I am able to access their accounting system from where-ever the meeting are being held.
During the 6 years, I have been involved with the College I was thanked on numerous occasions by Tanya for suggesting sage to her and her business. Tanya has great plans for the future of Khanyisela College and with sage as not only an accounting system but a business tool she is confident in her abilities and the future of her business.