About the fun accountant

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Message from Louis Munro

Thank you for visiting the fun accountant

You can tap into my experience of working with a number of entrepreneurs for many years throughout my career as a Chartered Accountant. 

The internet has made those solutions that were previously only affordable to BIG BUSINESSES available to everyone and every business can afford to streamline their business functions which are extremely important for conducting a successful business.

The key is to minimize human involvement for yourself, your staff and your accountant. This will undoubtedly lead to enhanced productivity and profitability. 

The aim of the game

My objective is to assist people to:

  • improve what they are doing,
  • how they are doing it,
  • where they are doing it
  • when they are doing it,
  • and how they feel when they are doing it.

What they are doing

People prosper when they know exactly what they are doing.

The aim is to let the business tools complete the functions and to work for you, thereby making your business as simple and stress-free as possible.

In order to achieve this objective, you must have the right solutions that are suited for you and your business.

I want to help you, to find the best solutions by giving the specifications of products and how it works so that you can make an informed decision. 

How they are doing it

 Efficient people are happy people.

People’s efficiency in business improve by reducing red-tape, bureaucracy and manual processes.

I am sharing practices for efficiency to reduce spending time on admin and things that don’t matter .

Getting unpleasant things done and out of the way so that your time is spent on the things that matters most to you.

Where they are doing it

A person’s environment has a massive impact on their perception of happiness. 

With affordable, unlimited access to the internet and accompanying solutions, people has many more options about where they can work from. 

I stand for the principle that people should not be dictated by their business software to be forced to work at a specific place. The tools and solutions I use must fit the criteria to be accessible from anywhere. 

When they are doing it

Freedom of people’s movement brings freedom with time-management. Certain business tasks can be performed outside of the traditional norms, especially when it comes to administration.

You don’t want to be tied down and miss out on those important events in you and your family’s life.

I look at tools that gives you the opportunity to work, at times when you want to work and that can provide time flexibility. 

How they feel while doing it

This describes how people feel while performing a task or business function. 

Improve your quality of life by spending more time on things that matter and only the bare minimum on unpleasant tasks but still get them done.

Training in the correct way of using business tools to their full potential so that they add value to your life and don’t steal your time. 

What I do:

Business Tools

I search for business software that solves a problem. I test those solutions and introduce the ones that are working well for me in my business as a Chartered Accountant and entrepreneur.

I provide training and share my knowledge of these business tools, so that you can properly apply them and use them to their fullest effect in your business. 
By knowing exactly how these tools work, you will get value for your money and unleash its full capacity so that you can get business done:
– quickly
– easily and 
– still be precise.
I operate my business in a paper-less environment, which gives abounding benefits and as an advocate for keeping it simple, I share my knowledge of how to achieve a paper-less business environment. 

Business Advice

I share any solutions that I may encounter to increase your business efficiency by reducing manual processes to the bare minimum and getting to the business side of things.

I have a passion for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Throughout my career I was exposed to various aspects of

  • starting businesses,
  • business structuring,
  • as well as running them.

My take on small businesses, entrepreneurship and specific products and possible opportunities that may benefit them will be shared.

I might also touch on economics, auditing, tax, accounting, payroll, time-management and financing across various industries from my studies and experience in these fields. 

I have invested and are still investing a massive amount of time and resources on online businesses, which is the whole reason for this website. The products and solutions I use will be shared as well. 

Mindset and motivation

As a Man Thinketh, in his hearts, so he is.

Some practical advice and ideas that I come across that makes sense that I am testing and applying for the well-being of body, mind and soul. 

Working on a mindset to unleash your full potential, staying on course and motivated as you evolve in your life, feeling confident, calm, happy, at-ease and at-peace every minute of every day.

The last word.

I hope that every visitor to this website will find  the content and information that I present valuable and that these may benefit you.

 I wish you success and prosperity.  See you on my blog page for more interesting information. 


Louis Munro (the fun accountant)

Louis Munro the fun accountant:

Picture of Louis Munro CA

Louis Munro is a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA (SA), studied Business Economics at the University of Stellenbosch where he completed his Honors degree, “Cum Laude”. He was awarded the SANLAM Prize for achievement in Business Economics,  the best student in Industrial Psychology and the “Van Schaik Merit award for studies in Business Management.

Louis continued his studies in Accountancy at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and qualified as a Chartered Accountant and Registered Auditor in 2003. In this period Louis completed his Articles with Mazars.

Louis is a passionate entrepreneur who founded several businesses including:

Louis is passionate about sharing the methodologies that he has developed throughout his career so that entrepreneurs can achieve optimal efficiency for their businesses. He offers more than 20 years of experience in auditing, accounting, business management and business consulting. 

Louis lives in Gqeberha, South Africa. You will find Louis in the ocean, busy surfing, on the beach or in the garden admiring nature when he is not engaged in business and family life.